Application TechWiz and TX Series are used in various analyses across the display industry.

    Compatibility with Programs

    Compatibility with Virtuoso

    Engineers can run the TechWiz LCD 3D, TSolidX, and TRCX directly from the commercial layout editors by Skill language interface. Compatibility with other commercial programs is beneficial to improve workplace efficiency and conducive to time-saving. If the additional program for interlocking is required, we also customize the individual program as well.

    • #TechWiz LCD 3D #TSolidX #TRCX
    Job Scheduler (LSF, Slurm, SGE)

    Job Scheduler such as LSF, Slurm, SGE(Son Grid Engine) is a very effective workload management platform for high-performance computing.
    It assigns and distributes jobs to each calculation computer, and saves the result files in particular paths.
    It enables us to maximize the efficiency of computer memory usage and simulation time and perform effective analysis for large-sized areas.

    • #TechWiz LCD 3D #TSolidX #TRCX